I gave Peanut her first bath today. It went great but I noticed how very different it is to bathe an infant as opposed to a toddler. This became readily apparent because I bathed both Boo and Peanut one after the other.
Boo went first and I went ahead and got in with him because I knew Peanut was up next. Boo

had a great time like he always does. He played with his toys, splashed, and made animal noises to go with his squirty farm animal toys. His love of the water made me wish again that I could have taken him to the swimming pool this summer. I loved swimming when I was little, still do, and I want him to share in that. Maybe we can do some Mommy and Me swim lessons this winter. After play time we got him cleaned him up, he is such a big help, then Dad came in to wrap him up in a towl for some cuddle time.

Peanut was up next. Luckily her belly button healed much quicker than her brothers so her first bath was a real one not a sponge bath like
Boo's first bath. I pulled her into the warm water with me and she actually sighed. Where bathing Boo is like going to the public swimming pool bathing Peanut is like going to the spa. I rested her head in one hand while the rest of her little body just floated. She loved having her hair washed just like her big brother did. She stretched her head back into my hand while her eyes shut and her mouth opened into an almost smile. Being with her was totally peaceful and wonderful. Moments of peace and quiet are becoming few and far between in my life so I will relish them whenever they present themselves.
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