October 24, 2010

I Almost Lost Part of My World

I had one of my worst afternoons ever yesterday.  Travis called me shortly after leaving for work to let me know he had been in a car accident and the Jeep was probably totalled.  He told me not to worry and that he wasn't hurt.  Of course the moment he said the words "car accident" and "totalled" my mind went of on it's own little rampage leading me to think of all the worst case scenarios possible.  It didn't get any better when I asked him where exactly he was and he replied he would call me later but he had to go and talk to the paramedics or policeman or someone. 
The other end of the phone went dead and I leapt into action.  Boo was down for a nap so I flew into his room, woke him as gently as I could, and got him dressed while big tears streamed down his face from being woken by a crazy person.  Once he was dressed and armed with a bottle I bundled up Peanut in her carseat, double checked the diaper bag, dragged them out the door, and loaded them into the van. 
Over the phone he had told me what street he was on when he was hit so I began to drive towards his work using that route.  Finally I received a call from him so I pulled over to answer.  He again assured me he was fine but that he would need me to come pick him up, like he didn't already know I must be freaking out and if not already in the car I soon would be.  I hung up the phone and continued down the road. 
As I pulled up to the site of the accident I saw him limping over to a policeman and my heart fell.  He lied to me!  He wasn't okay!  I pulled to the side of the road and practically leapt from the van.  I rushed over to him and pulled him into my arms.  After a few moments I reluctantly let him go and took in the scene.  The Durango that had pulled in front of him was being loaded onto a flat bed wrecker.  The front driver side quarter panel was pretty mangled but the rest of it appeared to be relatively unscathed.  Once loaded the Durango was hauled away and my attention turned to the Jeep.  The front end was basically bent in half.  There was a large crack in the windshield where the passenger seat hit it.  The battery had broken free of it's tiedowns and was laying on it's side only held in place by the battery cables.

The second wrecker arrived and we watched as Travis' baby was hauled onto the bed.  With it up in the air we were able to see just how hard the impact truly was.  All four of the leaf springs were bent, not just the front ones. 

Seeing the damage to the Jeep I realized how lucky I was.  He had been wearing his seat, his left knee was really the only thing he hurt in the crash other than a little whip lash and a pair of broken glasses.  Once the adreneline wore off a few hours later he did let me take him to the doctor where they x-rayed his leg and prescribed a pain killer and a muscle relaxant.  I could have lost part of my world yesterday but I didn't, we only lost a big hunk of rubber and metal, something we can easily replace.


  1. how frightening! I am so happy that he is mostly unhurt. I never could have imagined how much we wives and mommies would worry about our husbands out on the road. But it is true. Your family will be in my thoughts this week as you all recouperate. -Stephanie

  2. Thank you for your thoughts. I am so grateful our children weren't in the car. I don't think I could have handled worrying about all three of them.
