Peanut's Footie Overalls are nearly finished. I have finished one leg and foot and am about halfway done with the second. When that's finished all I have to do is graft the crotch and find some cute buttons.
The other day while I was knitting Boo decided to climb up into my lap. He sat very still so I decided to chance it and picked up my needles and continue. Due to the size of the leg, I was knitting on two circular needles. When I started knitting with the front needle one of the rear points flipped into prime toddler reach. Before I could move it back out of his way Boo grabbed the needle and began gently moving it around in much the same way I was moving the needles in my hand. I couldn't believe it; my little man was 'helping' me knit. It didn't last long but our knitting session was wonderful. It seems I may have a future knitter on my hands.
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