Boo loves the water so Grandma and I went searching for a swimming pool today. All I wanted was one of those little hard plastic ones with cartoon fish printed on them but apparently there is a dearth of them here in town. We couldn't find one anywhere but finally found one of the soft side colapsable pools. It is definately bigger than I wanted for his first pool but beggars can't be choosers. When we got back from the store we set up the pool in Grandma and Grandpa's back yard and made sure it was in the sun so it would warm up.

After his nap we put Boo in his orange swim trunks, grabbed his new water toys, and headed for the pool. We all went out to witness what we were sure would be a great time; Grandma and I had Boo, Grandpa had a book, and Dad was armed with the camera. I know all of the grown-ups had a great time, especialy watching the look on Boo's face as he entered the water and realized the pool was NOT the same as the bath. We did let the pool sit in the sun for several hours but apparently not long enough. It was cold enough it even made him pant to try and stay warm. After a few minutes he warmed up enough to play a little and had some fun but once his lips turned blue and the shivering was getting out of control I rescued him from the frigid water and bundled him up in a towel to get warm. We'll have to make this a more regular thing so he gets used to the colder water, either that or start giving him cold baths.
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