This morning arrived after not quite enough sleep. I got a sleepy Boo ready then we jumped Dad in the bed to get him started on his Father's Day Scavenger Hunt. With his clothes laid out and the cooler and tackle boxes loaded, we just needed his help hitching the boat up to the Jeep (I couldn't find the hitch). Once we were all loaded in the car he received his first clue which sent us to Wal-Mart where we could pick up our fishing licenses, and some more sunscreen. It was pretty obvious by then that we were going fishing but he still didn't know to where. His next clues would lead him to landmarks and road signs and then to our final destination, Glendo Reservoir.

After some unsuccessful fishing our stomachs were starting to growl so we found some rocks by the shore to have a picnic. The rocks were a bit more difficult to tie off to than we
first anticipated so I sacrificed myself and my dry clothes in the attempt. I climbed back onto shore where Boo and I played in the water. Boo was having so much fun we literally had to drag him out of the water because his little feet were so cold.

We spent the rest of the afternoon trolling around the lake; Boo took a nap while Dad and I just spent some quiet fishing time together. We had a great day in the sun and I am proud to say that even though we were both sunburned we managed to not sunburn the baby, which is really the important thing isn't it? When we got back to the boat ramp we loaded up and headed back home empty handed. I guess that means we'll just have to go fishing again.

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