We had visitors this weekend. Grandma Colorado and Auntie came to visit for the weekend. I was lucky enough to have scheduled the day off even though dad didn't tell me they were coming until after I wrote the schedule. After work yesterday dad and I went to the game store and picked up a Wii board and a couple games for our new Wii. As we were pulling into the driveway the familiar rumble of a 2.9L Ford engine could be heard. We had a perfect view of Auntie's bent front rim as she pulled a u-ey, hopped the curb, and parked in front of the house. During an impromptu chicken dinner we discovered that while Boo loves mashed potatoes and the goo from an apple crisp is out of this world. When we got back to the house we uncorked a bottle of wine and congregated in the living room to play the Wii. I'd love to say I played through the night with my family, that I laughed and and drank wine into the wee hours of the morning, but sadly I fell asleep with ¾ of a glass of wine left and missed out on the fun.
I woke up this morning the best way possible, with a kiss from my love and a cuddle from my son. After dad left for work we lounged around a bit then got up to spend some time with grandma. Grandma and I attempted to have a grown-up conversation but naturally, like all conversations within the vicinity of my son,
every other sentence was interrupted by giggles and pointed fingers in his general direction. Auntie finally got up as mid-day approached so we all climbed into

my car and went out to breakfast at dad's favorite restaurant. Naturally the food was awesome but Boo stole the foods thunder with yet another first. The look on his face as the waitress brought him his first mickey mouse pancake was priceless. His eyes opened nearly as big as the plate set in front of him, his arms spread wide, and his little hands shook with excitement. Before the plate was fully on the table both hands had grabbed big chunks of the mouse. Grandma and I both plucked the pieces of meat ma

king up mickey's facial features and thus I missed the initial picture of the mouse's demise. I have never seen someone enjoy a pancake so thoroughly. We tried to hand him his sippy cup while he was devouring his pancake but were again nearly brought to tears from laughing. Both of his fists were filled with mushy pancakes. He looked from on hand to the other hand, to his sippy cup, then shoved a fistful of pancake into a giant smile. Apparently mickey mouse was really, really good because once he finished he started in on the plate.
Once the majority of the pancakes were mopped up we headed for the library. The library


town is truly impressive. It is one of the top libraries in the country. Once inside Boo and I took Grandma and Auntie on a tour. We started with the elevator which he loves because the back is glass and you can see the people walking up the stairs. The second floor is all for the kids. We showed them the bookmobile, the big machine, the stop motion animation table, we even played some chess. Boo continued the tour so that I could run downstairs for a grown-up moment and check out another book. The three of them walked around the kids floor until he decided he was too tired and sat down on the floor. When I got back they had picked out a book and a comfy chair and were quietly reading.

Now a weekend with grandma isn't complete without a little bit of spoiling so we headed to the baby store after leaving the library. Needless to say he made out like a bandit, new toys, new clothes, what more could you ask for? My poor little car could barely contain the four of us and his loot. After a lovely home cooked meal we played a little Wii. This time I was able to say I played into the wee hours.
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