Yesterday I decided I couldn't take it anymore so I started rounding up the laundry and dove in. I would not do just enough to get through, I would DO the laundry. I started with the towels but came across a bit of a problem. They took nearly three hours to dry. It seems that the load was just large enough to nudge the door open and stop the drier. Naturally I didn't notice until I went in to swap the laundry and they were still sopping wet. After having the door bounced open just enough to stop the cycle several more times I decided it best to just stay in the laundry room. I scooped up my bundle of joy, cleared a spot on the folding and started folding the piles of already clean, old laundry. A couple of slobbery socks, a gnawed upon hanger, and a few giggles later I had the folding that had been piling up for weeks and the drier cycle done. It may take more time to get simple household chores done with my little distraction “helping,” but at least they are getting done. I no longer have to decide between him and the laundry.

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