September 15, 2010

Mommy's Night Out

I actually got out of the house for a few glorious hours last night. I made sure Peanut was fed, kissed both my men, and went to pick up Grandma. I know to many people the idea of sitting around a table with a bunch of women knitting doesn't seem like a good time but for me and my mom it was a great night out. When we lived in Laramie we had a great local yarn store, Cowgirl Yarn, and met with a great group of knitters almost every week to share in good conversation, knitting, and sometimes even tea and cookies. It was an opportunity to get out and see what others were working on and help each other out if we got stuck. This is something I have really been missing since moving to Cheyenne two years ago.

Last night my mom and I found ourselves at Ewe Count, a local yarn store here in Cheyenne. We made our way to the back where there was a room overflowing with women knitting, cross stitching, and having a great time. We spent the next couple hours working on projects and listening to funny stories. I finished up the sleeves for Peanuts' sweater and stitched together the shoulder seams so I could start knitting the hood. I know I said I would have it done by the end of the weekend but my craziness of two days ago kind of got in the way of that.

After knitting my Mom and I went out for a quick bite to eat. I almost didn't know what to do without having to feed and keep a toddler entertained and quiet in a restaurant. We continued our conversation from the knitting group and took our time eating a nice hot meal.

I missed my little ones while I was out but I feel refreshed after having some time to myself. I must find a way to make time for myself and make this a regular thing.

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