Boo is getting so big. Last week we basically had to buy him a whole new wardrobe; nearly everything in his closet is too small. He seems to be growing right before my eyes and with the amount of sleep and food he is able to put away it is entirely possible. Every time I pick him up I swear he weighs more and he just feels more sturdy. This could be from holding an infant, not that she is all that small herself, but I don't think that is entirely it.

His size is not the only indication he is becoming a big boy. He astounds me with the new things he is picking up everyday. He is learning to help around the house. Today he helped me with the dishes. While I was unloading the dishwasher he was loading it, and as I was loading it he was unloading it. He gets better at putting away his toys every day and he is becoming more and more helpful when getting dressed. He vacumes more than I do, is getting pretty good with a fork, and he gives the best big brother kisses.
Boo is also becoming quite the little dare devil. He and I walked to the park by Grandma's house
today to try and burn off some steam after dinner. He didn't go for the little slides at the bottom of the play area, oh no, he went for the big twisty one at the top. He was able to climb up onto all of the platforms himself and knew he had to sit on his bottom to go down the slide. He was so proud of himself when he got to the bottom that he ran to do it again. We also ran into a gaggle of four nine and ten year old girls at the park and he immediately walked over to them and got his flirt on. By the time they left he had gotten all four of them to say they wished they could take him home with them and got great big hugs from two of them. It seemed appropriate he was wearing his "Lock Up Your Daughters" t-shirt. I have a little heart breaker on my hands.

He does have his bad days though and can throw a tantrum just as well as any two year old but he is adjusting to being a big brother better than we could have ever hoped for. He not
only let Peanut use his play pen at grandma's today but he took his nap in a grown-up bed. I am so proud of him but I am dreading going back to work in a few weeks. He grows and changes so much each day I am afraid I am going to miss it while Grandma gets front row seats. I'll just have to make sure I am front and center on my days off so I don't miss too much of the action.

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