I have been telling people since day one that Boo is the kind of baby that tricks you into having another one. He seems to have all the things a parent wants in their child and few of the things they don't. He has for example slept through the night since he was about six weeks old. I could also be heard telling people while I was pregnant that our next child would be colicky, never sleep, and be sick all the time. I seem to have been right on at least one point.
Peanut is a very good baby but she definately has her days and nights turned around. I have been struggling since she was born because she wakes up and becomes active around eleven o'clock at night and doesn't go to sleep until about two in the morning. Brody tends to get up around seven or eight in the morning. I know there are thousands of parents out there who hate me and would kill for five hours of sleep every night but I have to find a way to get a little more sleep before I go back to working fifty plus hours a week. I have had some luck getting her to sleep in our bed but little to no luck getting her to sleep in her basinette, a beautiful hand made piece made for Boo by my dad. While I do sleep some with her in our bed it is not restful because I am so worried about smothering her.
The other day when I was changing Peanut I noticed how happy and content she was lying on the changing table. She went from wide awake and mad at the too cold baby wipe, to content and nearly asleep in an instant. I noticed the same affect the next time I changed her. This had to be useful somehow. How could I possibly use this new information to help both of us sleep better? I know I can't just let her sleep on the changing table so I took the changing table to the basinett. I used the changing mat as the mattress for the basinett. It has now been three nights since her change in bedding and other than waking up to be fed she has been content to sleep in her own bed. It seems we have another wonder child on our hands (knock on wood).

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