October 14, 2010

Who Needs Those Fancy Toys?

As parents we are always on the lookout for the fancy new toy.  The toy that will keep them occupied long enough to take a shower alone or swap the laundry.  We are looking for the toy that will excercise their mind while not making us want to loose ours.  The funny thing is sometimes the most fun toy our children ever come to play with is the box the hundred dollar toy came in or the leftover helium balloon from yesterdays party. 
This past weekend Boo made it home with a bright yellow smiley face balloon from Big Bucks Bingo.  It ended up staying the night in the car as we were both too tired to remember it was there when I carried him in the house and tucked him into bed.  It wasn't until the next day on my lunch break that I remembered to bring it in for him to play with. 

The night in the van was just what the balloon needed to become a toddlers new best toy.  The cold night made it float perfectly for him.  It floated just enough to wow him but not too much to float away and make him cry. 
The balloon made for one of the best lunch breaks I have had since going back to work.  I ate my lunch which Travis lovingly prepared for me, fed Peanut, and watched in wonder as my son played with a mere helium balloon.  He played with it my entire lunch break and for at least another hour after that according to Travis.  It's too bad we can't seem to remember these precious moments when whipping out the credit card at Christmas or Birthday time for yet another toy destined to line the bottom of the toy box.

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