March 04, 2014

After The Storm

Here in Wonderful Wyoming the weather is pretty basic.  We have sun, snow, rain, and of course lots of wind.  When it snows it snows, when it rains it pours, and when it is sunny it is hot.  If you aren’t happy with the weather the locals will tell you to just wait fifteen minutes and it will change, unless of course you are wishing for the wind to
stop blowing, then you are just plain out of luck.  
This past weekend the weather took an unusual turn for us.  It wasn’t quite snow, not really rain; it was a weird frozen fog.  When I left work late Friday night I have to say I was not a fan of the fog.  The fog iced up my car and was hard to see through, but the next morning it made for the most beautiful winter scene I think I have ever seen.  Everything was covered in a white blanket of frost with a brilliant blue background of cloud free sky. 
I spent most of my day gazing through the giant windows of my work at the park across the street wishing I had my camera with me.  As the day wore on the sun came out a bit but the air stayed cold and made the contrast between the dark trunks of the trees and the frost white branches even more striking.  The day wore on and by the time I got off it was too late to go home and get my camera to capture the beautiful day. 

The next morning I was pleasantly surprised the frost still blanketed my town and the sky was an even more beautiful blue.  I again found myself staring out the windows at work cursing my lack of camera, but through a happy accident I was able to get off early.  I went home, dressed the kids in their snow gear, grabbed my camera, and we went to the park.  I managed to take some beautiful pictures not only of the frozen park but of my children having a lovely time.  My son hammed it up for the camera while my daughter braved the slides she has been afraid to go down.  We had a beautiful and fun time we might have missed if the weather had been just the same old boring Wyoming norm.   


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